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9th February: Fifth Sunday of the Year(PDF)


2nd February: Presentation of the Lord (PDF)


26th January: Third Sunday of the Year (PDF)


19th January: Second Sunday of the Year (PDF)


12th January: Baptism of the Lord (PDF)


5th January: Epiphany of the Lord (PDF)


22nd/29th December: Fourth Sunday of Advent & Holy Family Feast (PDF)


15th December: Third Sunday of Advent (PDF)


8th December: Second Sunday of Advent (PDF)


1st December: First Sunday of Advent (PDF)


24th November: Christ the King(PDF)


17th November: Thirty Third Sunday of the Year (PDF)


10th November: Thirty Second Sunday of the Year (PDF)


3rd November: Thirty First Sunday of the Year (PDF)


27th October: Thirtieth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


20th October: Twenty Ninth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


13th October: Twenty Eighth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


6th October: Twenty Seventh Sunday of the Year (PDF)


29th September: Twenty Sixth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


22nd September: Twenty Fifth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


8/15th September: Twenty Third/Twenty Fourth Sundays of the Year (PDF)


1st September: Twenty Second Sunday of the Year (PDF)


25th August: Twenty First Sunday of the Year (PDF)


18th August: Twentieth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


11th August: Nineteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


4th August: Eighteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


28th July: Seventeenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


21st July: Sixteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


14th July: Fifteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


7th July: Fourteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

30th June: Ss Peter and Paul (PDF)


23rd June: Twelfth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

16th June: Eleventh Sunday of the Year (PDF)

9th June: Tenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)


2nd June: Corpus Christi (PDF)

26th May: Holy Trinity (PDF)

19th May: Pentecost Sunday (PDF)

12th May: Seventh Sunday of Easter (PDF)

5th May: Sixth Sunday of Easter (PDF)

28th April: Fifth Sunday of Easter (PDF)

21st April: Fourth Sunday of Easter (PDF)

14th April: Third Sunday of Easter (PDF)

31st March: Easter Sunday & 7th April: Second Sunday of Easter (PDF)

24th March: Palm Sunday (PDF)

10th March: Fourth Sunday of Lent (PDF)

3rd March: Third Sunday of Lent (PDF)

25th February: Second Sunday of Lent (PDF)

11th February: Sixth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

4th February: Fifth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

28th January: Fourth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

21st January: Third Sunday of the Year (PDF)

14th January: Second Sunday of the Year (PDF)

7th January: Epiphany of the Lord  (PDF)

24th & 31st December: Fourth Sunday of Advent & Feast of the Holy Family (PDF)

17th December: Third Sunday of Advent (PDF)

10th December: Second Sunday of Advent (PDF)

3rd December: First Sunday of Advent (PDF)

12th November: Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year (PDF)

5th November: Thirty-First Sunday of the Year (PDF)

29th October: Thirtieth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

22nd October: Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

15th October: Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

8th October: Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year (PDF)

1st October: Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

24th September: Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

17th September: Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

3rd & 10th September: Twenty-Second and Twenty-Third Sundays of the Year (PDF)

27th August: Twenty-First Sunday of the Year (PDF)

20th August: Twentieth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

13th August: Nineteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

6th August: Transfiguration of the Lord (PDF)

23rd & 30th July: Sixteenth & Seventeenth Sundays of the Year (PDF)

16th July: Fifteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

9th July: Fourteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

2nd July: Thirteenth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

25th June: Twelfth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

18th June: Eleventh Sunday of the Year (PDF)

11th June: Corpus Christi (PDF)

4th June: Trinity Sunday (PDF)

28th May: Pentecost Sunday (PDF)

21st May: Seventh Sunday of Easter (PDF)

14th May: Sixth Sunday of Easter (PDF)

7th May: Fifth Sunday of Easter (PDF)

30th April: Fourth Sunday of Easter (PDF)

23rd April: Third Sunday of Easter (PDF)

16th April: Divine Mercy Sunday (PDF)

9th April: Easter Sunday (PDF)

2nd April: Palm Sunday (PDF)

26th March: Fifth Sunday of Lent (PDF)

12th March: Third Sunday of Lent (PDF)

5th March: Second Sunday of Lent (PDF)

26th February: First Sunday of Lent (PDF)

19th February: Seventh Sunday of the Year (PDF)

12th February: Sixth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

5th February: Fifth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

29th January: Fourth Sunday of the Year (PDF)

22nd January: Third Sunday of the Year (PDF)

15th January: Second Sunday of the Year (PDF)

8th January: Baptism of the Lord (PDF)

Do you have something to add to the newsletter? Contact the parish office

© 2024 Part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bimingham: Registered Charity No: 234216

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